The Change toolkit

From I am change to What I want to change.

Kenza Barrada

Kenza Barrada

 Welcome ladies to our change toolkit!

This repository of self-growth tools is made to accompany you in your journey to be the leading African Women Working For Change you want to be. You will find in this toolkit numerous tips and exercises to help you achieve the challenging goals you set for yourself, for your companies and direct environments, and for our continent.

So where to start from?

Along my professional path across the African continent, I have met amazing and talented women who all talked to me about the things they wanted to change in their lives. Some want to change jobs or be promoted, others want to change the balance between their professional and personal life, let alone those who want to change personal and professional relationships who block them in their paths.

With this first module of the toolkit, I suggest making a journey together from WE WANT TO CHANGE (this or that…) to WE ARE THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE IN THE CONTINENT, following 3 steps :



As you may have realized, we will make a fundamental switch of language and mindset from WILLING & DOING to BEING. This shift is a foundation of personal development tools, positive psychology, and even spiritual teachings meant to anchor us in our real selves rather than in endless Wish and To Do lists.

I am confident that this journey will provide you with the self-awareness you need to connect to your transformational leadership.

Faithfully yours,


Kenza Barrada is dedicated to developing people and organizations at WAOW PROJECT

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